We are off and running and not slowing down!!!
Silly Addie (she looks like her mama did when she was younger in this pose)
Boy oh boy these girls are almost 2 years old. When I sit back and think, I feel like we just had their 1st birthday. However, these girls have changed so much in the last year. They light up when I come home from work. They scream "mommy" now instead of just mama. They are also saying "daddy" too. I just love how kids love you unconditionally and light up every time you walk in the room. Riley is my cuddle bug and Addie is my tough girl. Riley loves to sit in my lap for hours. Addie can run and fall and just pick herself right up without a cry. I think she will love playing sports when she gets older.
For some stats:
Addie is still working on a few teeth. She is missing her canine teeth and her 2 year molars.
Riley has all her teeth except her 2 year molars.
They both wear mostly 24 months or 2T clothes, although they still fit in many of their 18 month stuff too.
They are wearing size 4 diapers but we hope to start potty training soon. These girls are catching on fast and let us know when they pee and poop and boy, is it ever exciting.
They are picky eating toddlers but they will eat mac and cheese, cheese crisp, string cheese.....notice a theme here? They will eat fruit all day and most vegetables so we can't complain.
We love watching them change and we love living for each day.
(p.s if you read this before I proof read it, I am sorry. I am posting most of the pages from my phone and it likes to change my words around and make up words so I apologize)