9 months ago today I was lying in a hospital bed in labor after a long night. My water had broke the night before and I learned my girls would be coming into this world 7 weeks early. I had little sleep through out that night and I was throwing up every couple of hours during the labor but I was so excited to finally meet our girls.
Here we are 9 months later and our life has changed for the better. I have two sweet faces that smile and light up every time I walk into the room. Jesse and I have a different reason to live now and each decision we make is tied to the girls.
So here are some stats of the girls. I don't have any official heights or weights. We will get those tomorrow at their 9 month visit.
- she is about 16.5 pounds
- wears size 3 diapers now (we just moved up) but can still wear the 2/3's.
- wears 9 month pants and some 9 month shirts/onesis but also fits in 12 month clothes nicely
- she is till 100% breastfed through expressed breast milk
- has no teeth yet, but this should change soon
- loves green beans, squash, and bananas. She likes her biter cookies and is being introduced to apple juice
- hasn't said any words yet but she is close to saying "kitty" when the kitty walks by
- just learned to clap and play "patty cake"
- loves her teddy bears, blocks, and baby rings
- loves waking up in the morning
- will pat your back as you burp her
- can sit unassisted for small periods of times
- loves being on her belly and rolling around
- hasn't figured out how to crawl but loves to try and do the "worm"
- loves to stand up
- is an overall smiley happy baby
- is closer to 17 pounds
- wears size 3 diapers and barely fits in the size 2-3's
- wears size 9 month pants and 9-12 month tops
- is still 100% breastfed with expressed breast milk and some nursing sessions
- has her two bottom teeth, one is about half way in and the 2nd one is just poking through
- loves green beans, squash, carrots, and bananas. Loves her Gerber Puffs and Apple Juice
- says "dada" all the time now but doesn't seem to know what that means yet
- loves her choo-choo train, teddy bears, soft blocks, and teething rings
- loves to sleep and talk in the morning
- can sit unassisted for about a minute at a time
- doesn't really like to be on her belly although she will roll from her back to her belly almost every time you lay her on her back
- wants to grab a hold of everything in sight including your hair and the cords to the computer, then put these items in her mouth
- isn't crawling yet
- likes to stand up
- is a big screamer. This girl wants to be heard 24/7
I will have more official stats to report tomorrow afternoon after their 9 month check-up.