Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rough Day

Today just wasn't my day. From the moment I woke up, I was having contractions and my uterus was very irritable. They kept waking me up to go to the bathroom to see if that would help my uterus calm down. Eventually they upped the dosage on my medication and things began to calm down.

About the time I was ready to take a shower, the nurse told me they needed to put these really nice tights on my legs to help prevent any blood clots. I was not in the mood to go through getting them on. They are the tightest pantyhose you have ever worn and I was just depressed about having to wear them. Part of me just wished I could go back to being me....and not the pregnant me. Once the leggings were finally on, I accidentally spilled my ice water all over me in bed. I was beginning to think everything was out to get me today.

So after I had a good cry about my situation, it was getting close to lunch time. I waited patiently as the lunch has been a little late the last few days. After an hour and a half I called the nurse and asked why nutrition was so far behind. She was confused as they had already delivered lunch, some how they forgot about me today. So I had to wait another half hour to get my lunch. Really....what else can go wrong today???? Ughh....

So finally I ate and got a chance to take a shower. Maybe that is what I needed because I felt much better. A good friend from work came to visit and we swapped pregnancy struggles as she is 36 weeks pregnant. I was in a better mood when she left and I know my parents are coming out to visit and play some cards with me while we watch "The Biggest Loser".

I am just hoping the rest of the day is better and my hormones get back in check.


  1. I'm so sorry you had a rough day! It can't be easy going through all of this, and I can't believe the hospital forgot your lunch!! It took me about 1 week of different medications to get my contractions under control, and if I was even 1/2 hr late taking the meds, it messed me up for the rest of the day. There are other meds they can give you if the terb doesn't work . . . you can always ask about procardia. That is supposed to be a bit stronger, but they always use the terbutaline first. I think I settled on taking 5 mg of terbutaline every 3-4 hours. Even on that, I was still having 3-4 contractions an hour, but they weren't super strong, so they didn't worry about them. At one point, they had to increase me for a bit to a higher dosage, and then later on (and when I was also on indocin) I could go 4-6 hours with the terb. I really did the best when I took both the indocin AND the terb together, but I was only allowed to take the indocin for 48 hours at a time. Mostly, for 8 weeks, I took that darn terb every 4 hours around the clock because missing a dosage caused problems. Hang in there! They'll get it all under control. I hope tomorrow is better! Just remember, the later in your pregnancy you get, the less important some minor contractions become.

  2. Sorry about the crappy day! It won't be long until the girlies are here and you can go back to being normal Amy again.

  3. So sorry to hear your day was crummy. I hope it ended on a better note. Hang in there!

  4. I'm so sorry that you are having a bummed day. I hope its just a fluke and tomorrow is much better.
